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Top Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups

Top Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups

If you are planning to have a natural set of teeth when you hit your 60s & 70s, you need to take care of them from an early age. A dentist can suggest you some of the top tips & tricks to keep your oral hygiene healthy. Moreover, it would be best if you visit a dentist at least twice a year for the best results.

Read on the article to know about the top benefits of regular dental checkups.

Reduces the Chances of Tooth Decay

Decaying of a tooth is one of the severe problems faced by the world today. According to a dental health survey, around 3 in 10 people avoid dental checkups at the early stage of their tooth decay in Australia. Some people do so because of the expensive nature of the dental procedure, while others don’t bother the development of cavity until it’s irreversible.

What seems to look like some food stuck between your teeth might be the starting point of any severe oral disease like gingivitis, etc.

Prevents Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is the early sign of the compromised layer of hard enamel layer due to a cavity that might have exposed nerve endings in the tooth. As when it gets in contact with anything hot or cold, you feel a sharp pain in the affected tooth.

A regular visit to a dentist Epping may help you to know of the everyday hacks that can avoid the condition.

Takes Care of Cavities

A cavity needs to be addressed at the early stages so that it can be cleaned and refilled to prevent the condition from growing. A cavity always starts as a tiny structure that grows over time if not taken care of in the early stages.

Undetectable to a naked eye, a visit to a dentist might prevent the development of such a situation. Often, a cavity leads to the development of severe plague.

Maintains the Integrity of the Tooth

A tooth may lose its integrity if not taken care of at the starting point of the cavity development. The sooner you visit a dentist for such cases, the better are the chances of the tooth from getting deformed from the cavity.

The refilling of the tooth after doesn’t necessarily bring back the natural chewing pattern that you may have had before the tooth lost its integrity.

Reduces the Possibility of Root Canal and Oral Surgery

Ignoring the need for cleaning of the cavity and refilling a tooth may get sever, and you might have to make harsh choices to save your tooth.

A root canal is a medical procedure in which a dentist disconnects the nerve ending from the tooth to save the root from getting affected. Well, this condition can be avoided if you visit a doctor at the first hint of a tooth cavity.

Prevents Heart Diseases

If you think that gums are receding from the teeth, it might be a sign of periodontal disease (chronic infection in the gums). It creates a gap between the teeth baseline and the gums. The gap serves as a haven for the germs and bacteria to grow. From the gaps, the germs can enter your bloodstream and travel to your artery that may lead to your heart.

Although it might not seem like a huge problem at first, if your oral condition gets worse and leads to severe diseases like cancer, it can seriously affect your heart as well.

Prevents Abnormal Development in Babies During Pregnancy

As per some of the researches, gums disease in pregnant women often leads to premature birth and low birth weight of the baby. Eighteen out of hundred premature births may be a result of periodontal disease. Therefore, pregnant women need to take good care of their teeth and visit a dental clinic once in that period.

Lowers the Risk of Type-2 Diabetes

For those who struggle to maintain their glucose level are some of the easy victims of poor oral hygiene and gum diseases. Gum diseases often house bacteria that causes them to become red & swollen. People with type-2 diabetes are more prone to fall prey to these bacterial infections.

Prevents the Chances of Alzheimer’s Disease

As per some of the reports suggested by researchers from the University of Central Lancashire, chronic periodontal disease is linked with patients with dementia. Bacteria named Porphyromonas gingivalis was found in the brains of these patients, which was also linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

It shows how a regular visit to the dentist can benefit you in preventing the long-term harmful effects caused by inadequate oral hygiene.


You can find a dozen of other severe health conditions associated with poor oral hygiene. It shows how important it is to take care of your teeth and gums. A timely visit to a dentist is a much more efficient and cheaper than you might be trying to save now. As when the situation gets worse and leads to a severe problem, it just cannot be undone.

Source: dentist Epping

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